Saturday, September 21, 2024

WHIPSAW Reviewed by Jami Macarty for NewPages

Much gratitude to Jami Macarty for this beautiful, fierce review of WHIPSAW, and to NewPages for featuring it! Here is a snip--

"Bad things happen to girls and women in the forest, but not in these poems. “This is not a fairy tale.” Hurrah! Instead, the forest offers “detail of light and shade,” where our speaker takes solace among trees, and where “Like Thoreau alone // in the distant woods [she] come[s] to her[self].

Out of that recovery comes a desire “to pay tribute to the promise / of the future” which requires allegiance to both the “ancestral forest” and the next generation. Here is a poet who fights for her freedom, protests “deforest, // to develop,” and strives to be the “kind / of mother— / to gift [her] child / endurance and steady pace.”

In Whipsaw, Suzanne Frischkorn uses language to cut in two ways—beyond the imperiled and “beyond the veil.”

You can read the full review HERE

Thursday, August 29, 2024

WHIPSAW Reviewed by Simmons Buntin for

 “Daughters and birdsong. Threat and hope. Intuition and resistance. Power.

Suzanne Frischkorn’s Whipsaw is an extraordinary collection from an accomplished poet who deftly guides the reader through an America full of beauty and danger, an America all the more navigable thanks to these poems. Every poem is a kind of letter to America, intricately crafted, brazen and brilliant. Read this timely book before the election, then read it again for its timeless guidance, its lasting lyricism, its essential if cautious hope.”

Much gratitude to Simmons Buntin for this insightful, gorgeous, and rave review of WHIPSAW at What a gift to be read with such care and what a joy to feel seen.

Read the full review HERE

Friday, June 28, 2024

WHIPSAW Reviewed by Amanda Auchter for Rhino


“These are poems of survival and risk, of finding balance in a society that often seems as though it thrives on chaos.” 

Grateful for this astute, and gorgeous review of WHIPSAW by Amanda Auchter and much gratitude to Rhino as well!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Anhinga Press: A Short Interview with Suzanne Frischkorn

New interview up at the Anhinga Press Instagram account! I loved speaking with Anhinga Press about WHIPSAW. Here is a snip if you aren't on Instagram --

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Speaking of Marvels Interview

Many thanks to William Woolfitt for inviting me to participate in his wonderful interview series Speaking of Marvels! I answered questions on overcoming inhibition, my writing space, revision, WHIPSAW, and what I’m working on now.